Collaging with offcuts from paper used to test homemade ink samples
Speed drawing exercise (herb bed in my garden)
Collage made from speed drawing (above)
Red cabbage ink - pink when it hits the paper, but teal 10 minutes later. Magic!
Starting to catalogue and record results for my natural dyeing experiments.
A productive week in spite of the rain and being busy with design work. I’m starting to get into a habit of making artwork first thing in the morning before work and then doing more mindful/mindless tasks (see dye sample cards above) in the evenings when watching TV. I’ve really enjoyed starting to use my inks - the speed drawing used mint ink - and also creating collages with offcuts. I’m always happiest with the most random results. It was fun making and weaving on a tiny pin loom, and I’m keen to explore this further to make samples of the dyed yarn. Good to finally start to catalogue my dye samples… very pleasing to make the swatch cards, and I think they will be a really useful record.